Paramedicine Board of Australia - Assessment of overseas qualifications
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Assessment of overseas qualifications

If you wish to apply for registration as a paramedic and do not have an approved or accepted qualification you will need to apply have your qualifications portfolio assessed against the framework(s) approved by the Board before making any application for registration. The qualifications assessment process will determine if you are qualified for registration by holding a qualification that is substantially equivalent or based on similar competenciesrelevant qualification along with successful completion of the competency assessment or are not qualified to apply for registration as a paramedic at this time. This will apply mainly to overseas qualified paramedics, but the framework can be applied can apply to any paramedic qualification.

You cannot obtain registration by solely having your qualifications assessed; registration can only be obtained through making an application for registration in which your qualifications along with your suitability and other registration requirements are considered together by the Board to decide if you can be registered. You must await the outcome of your qualifications assessment before making any application for registration.


When you lodge a Portfolio to have your qualification assessed, your qualifications will be assessed against the framework for considering substantially equivalent or based on similar competencies and relevant qualifications set by the Board, and you will be advised as to what steps you need to take once that assessment has taken place. In some cases, you may be advised to proceed to make an application for registration, in others you may be advised that you are required to complete the paramedicine competence assessment required by the Board (at your own cost) or you may be advised that you should consider upgrading your qualifications before applying for registration. 

Step 1

Carefully review the information provided about being qualified and suitable for registration as a paramedic.

Step 2

If you feel you meet both the qualifications and suitability criteria you can proceed to make an application for registration straight away if you are qualified by having:

  • an approved or accepted qualification
  • been registered as a paramedic before under the National Law
  • current registration to practice as a paramedic in New Zealand (under Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Act. 

Step 3

If you aren’t qualified under Step 2 you will need to apply to have your qualifications portfolio assessed by Ahpra.

Step 4

Complete the form and portfolio to have your qualifications assessed.

Step 5

Provide suitable evidence as outlined to support your qualifications portfolio assessment.

Step 6

Pay the required fee for assessing your qualifications.

Step 7

If requested, proceed to complete the Paramedicine Competence Assessment required by the Board.

Step 8

Wait for advice from Ahpra on what you should do before proceeding to make any application for registration as a paramedic.


To support your portfolio for a qualification assessment you will need to be able to provide the following:

  • evidence of your identity
  • proof of registration as a paramedic where your qualification was obtained (if applicable)
  • evidence of completing any examination requirements for registration as a paramedic (if applicable)
  • evidence of employment and/or practice as a paramedic where qualification was obtained (where no registration exists)
  • testamur/graduation certificate and academic transcript
  • diploma supplement for qualifications issued in a European country from 2005 onwards 
  • course/Curriculum outline (if requested)
  • other information (if requested)


The purpose of the Portfolio for a qualification assessment is to provide initial guidance on the steps (assessment stages) that will need to be successfully completed to be eligible to apply for registration as a paramedic in Australia.

To be granted registration as a paramedic in Australia, all applicants for registration must satisfy the eligibility requirements set out in the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law as in force in each state and territory (National Law) including:

  • the qualification requirements
  • the requirements for suitability, and
  • the requirements stated in registration standards.

The qualification assessment process requires all prospective applicants for registration to confirm they have read and understood the contents of, and can currently satisfy or, when they submit their registration application, will be able to satisfy the requirements of the Board’s registration standards, including:

  • English language skills registration standard
  • Criminal history registration standard
  • Recency of practice registration standard, and
  • Professional indemnity insurance registration standard.

The qualification assessment process identifies the required steps for individuals who may wish to apply for registration. It does not assess whether an individual satisfies the eligibility requirements for registration.

If an individual subsequently applies for registration, the Board and/or Ahpra acting under delegation, will ask for information as part of the registration application and assess that information against the eligibility requirements including these registration standards. The Board or Ahpra will determine whether or not an individual is qualified and suitable for registration and may determine that an individual be granted registration subject to conditions as necessary and desirable in the circumstances.

The Health Practitioner Regulation National Law, as in force in each state and territory (National Law) requires applicants for registration to satisfy all requirements for registration including that they are qualified and hold a qualification as specified under the National Law and  meet the requirements for suitability and the requirements in registration standards to be eligible for the grant of registration.

To establish a Portfolio, all applicants must confirm that they have read and understood the contents of, and can currently satisfy or, when they submit their registration application, will be able to satisfy the requirements of the following of the Board’s registration standards:

  • English language skills registration standard
  • Criminal history registration standard
  • Recency of practice registration standard, and
  • Professional indemnity insurance registration standard.

The Portfolio review identifies whether or not an individual is likely to meet the qualification requirements and is not an assessment as to whether (or not) an individual satisfies all the requirements for registration including those in a registration standard. Should an individual progress to lodge an application for registration, the Board and/or Ahpra acting under delegation, are authorised and retain absolute discretion to ask for information to assess an individual’s circumstances against the requirements in a registration standard and determine whether or not they satisfy the requirements in a registration standard or that their registration be subject to conditions necessary and desirable in the circumstances.

Page reviewed 3/05/2022