Paramedicine Board of Australia - Get ready for regulation! Board announces paramedicine fees and registration start-date
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Get ready for regulation! Board announces paramedicine fees and registration start-date

26 Jun 2018

To help the profession get ready for national regulation later this year, the Paramedicine Board of Australia (the Board) is pleased to announce the date registration opens.

Paramedics, based anywhere in Australia, will be able to apply to register via an online application portal from 9am AEST on Monday 3 September 2018.

‘The Board’s decision to start receiving and processing applications for registration in September is to give the profession as much time as possible to complete their applications well ahead of regulation taking effect,’ said Board Chair Associate Professor Stephen Gough ASM.

To be able to continue to practise the profession in Australia, all paramedics will need to be registered or have applied for registration with the Board before regulation takes effect later this year.

The national fees for paramedic registration, which will include a one-time application fee of $190 and an annual registration fee of $275, have also been set. The same fees will apply to paramedics in all states and territories and are reviewed annually by the Board. A full schedule of fees for different types of registration will be announced in the coming months.

Associate Professor Gough said that the national regulation of paramedics will be funded by registration fees which will be reviewed and adjusted annually for the profession.

'The Board has undertaken extensive work to make the fees as low as possible while ensuring the sustainability of the Board in its regulatory work. These costs may go up or down depending on the costs associated with regulation of the profession,’ Associate Professor Gough said.

Find out more about regulation of paramedics at our stakeholder forums

To help paramedics get ready for regulation and prepare for paramedic registration in September, the Board will be holding a series of stakeholder forums across the country in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth. The first major public event will be in Melbourne on 23 July 2018. While attendance is free, you will need to register for this event.

Check the Board’s website and subscribe for e-News updates on registration, fees and to stay informed about the list of upcoming stakeholder events.

Page reviewed 26/06/2018