15 Aug 2019
To be registered as a paramedic in Australia you must be able to demonstrate that your English language skills meet the minimum requirements set by the Paramedicine Board of Australia.
The Board’s English language skills registration standard (ELS standard) sets out four pathways that an applicant can use to demonstrate their English language competency. One of the four pathways is the English language skills test.
Under the ELS standard, the Board has approved three English language tests:
The ELS standard also allows the Board to approve additional tests and publish information about these tests on its website. Currently, there is no paramedicine specific Occupational English Test (OET), and therefore, it is not included in the ELS registration standard as an approved test. At its meeting on 22 July 2019 the Board agreed that an equivalent pass of the OET test for any other registered health profession will meet the Board’s requirement for registration.
Applicants who have successfully completed a OET test for another registered profession and have a minimum score of B in each of the four components (listening, reading, writing and speaking) either from one test sitting, or a maximum of two test sittings in a six month period (only if they are tested in all four components in each sitting, and they achieve a minimum score of B in each component across the two sittings, and no score in any component of the test is below C), will be deemed to have met the requirements of the ELS standard for paramedicine.