Paramedicine Board of Australia - Paramedicine regulation at work: Protecting the public in 2018/19
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Paramedicine regulation at work: Protecting the public in 2018/19

29 Nov 2019

A profession-specific statistical summary and a report from the Chair that covers the work of the Paramedicine Board of Australia (the Board) over the 12 months to 30 June 2019 is now available online.

The summary draws on data from the 2018/19 annual report of AHPRA and the National Boards. This information provides a snapshot of the profession as at 30 June 2019, and includes the number of registered paramedics, a breakdown by gender and age and outcomes of practitioner audits. 

Notifications information includes:

  • the number of complaints or concerns received
  • the types and sources of those complaints
  • the number of complaints closed during the year
  • the number of mandatory notifications received
  • how many times (if any) immediate action was taken
  • the number of practitioners monitored
  • the number of any tribunals, panels or appeals.

As well, information is provided about:

  • the number and type of criminal offence complaints made
  • the number of criminal offence complaints closed.

Profession-specific data tables are also available for downloading.

To gain an insight into the profession during 2018/19 and to access the data tables visit the Board’s 2018/19 summary.

For more information

Page reviewed 29/11/2019