Paramedicine Board of Australia - Expression of Interest - Private Sector Employers Reference Group
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Expression of Interest - Private Sector Employers Reference Group

21 Feb 2023

The Paramedicine Board of Australia (the Board) is seeking expressions of interest from employers of paramedics in the private sector to become members of a reference group being established.

The reference group is being established for the purposes of communication and engagement between the Board and a representative group of private sector employers of paramedics across participating jurisdictions in Australia.

The reference group is proposed solely as an engagement forum to discuss current or emerging matters related to the registration and regulation of paramedics practicing in the private sector.

Would you like to be part of this group?

If you're interested in being part of the reference group, please read the Terms of reference and the Expression of interest (EOI).

The expression of interest period for this reference group is open until Thursday 23 March 2023, 11.55pm AEDT. 

All EOI submissions will be advised of the outcome of their submission.

Terms of reference

Expression of interest

Any questions?

If you have any questions or queries please contact the Board’s Executive Officer, Mr Paul Fisher, directly on 03 8708 9047 or by email or

Page reviewed 21/02/2023