Paramedicine Board of Australia - Have your say on the draft Criminal history registration standard and supporting materials
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Have your say on the draft Criminal history registration standard and supporting materials

04 Jun 2024

The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra) and the National Boards invite you to have your say on the draft Criminal history registration standard (the criminal history standard) and supporting documents.

In late 2023, as part of our work to improve public safety in health regulation the National Boards and Ahpra consulted widely on a range of reforms, including a series of questions about the current version of the criminal history standard.

After consideration of all feedback, we have developed a draft criminal history registration standard and new supporting materials. The major changes to the criminal history standard are: 

  • Making it clear a practitioner cannot have a criminal history incompatible with registration.
  • More information on the purpose and the requirements of the criminal history registration standard and providing examples of how the standard works.
  • Separating the consideration of nature and gravity, or seriousness, of a criminal offence. This change reflects feedback received that while the nature of some offences may be seen as ‘minor’ within the criminal justice system, these offences have a greater impact when considered in the context of regulated health practice.
  • Adding a new consideration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander experiences of inequity and racism, and the disproportionate impact these experiences may have on an individual’s criminal history. 

We want to hear from you on how we have responded to feedback, the draft changes we have made to the criminal history standard, and the other material we have developed to explain how the standard is applied. 

The consultation will be open until 30 July 2024. Find out more about this consultation and provide feedback on the current consultations webpage.

What does the criminal history registration standard have to do with me?

National Boards develop registration standards that set out the requirements that registered health practitioners must meet when applying for or renewing their registration. Criminal history checks ensure to the public that only those suitable and safe to practise are registered practitioners in Australia. All registered practitioners must meet this standard to practise in Australia. 

Page reviewed 4/06/2024